A large group of women and men in white shirts and blue pants stand on steps. Some are wearing red aprons.

Barn Sale for United Counseling Service raises over $65,000 for mental health services in the Northshire region

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The annual Barn Sale for United Counseling Service (UCS) ran September 14-15 and raised over $65,000 to support the agency’s mental health services in the Northshire region. UCS thanks the Barn Sale Committee, who manages the event each year, as well as all who shopped the sale in support of UCS’ services.

Proceeds from the Barn Sale help to provide important services across Bennington County, such as mobile crisis and emergency services, programs for children, youth and families, outpatient mental health and counseling, developmental services, substance use services, and early childhood services. The Barn Sale has provided hundreds of thousands of dollars to support UCS services since the first event many years ago.

Shoppers found collectibles, antiques, vintage clothing, cookware, and much more at the sale, which draws a large crowd for a weekend each September.

Please contact UCSCommunityRelations@ucsvt.org for more information about the Barn Sale and visit ucsvt.org/events to find all upcoming events at UCS. More information about United Counseling Service and its programs serving Bennington County can be found at ucsvt.org.

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